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Stolen Valour Sanctions to be Introduced in Ukraine. Women Veterans in Ukraine

Stolen Valour Sanctions to be Introduced in Ukraine

On 18 December 2018 Ukrainian Parliament adopted in the first hearing Draft Law No.9217, which introduces penalties for the unlawful wearing of military uniforms and medals.  This legislative act also introduces criminal sanctions for vandalization of graves of the fallen heroes of the war on Russian aggression.

The current legislation provides no sanctions for unlawful wearing of military uniforms, although the law does stipulate a general prohibition to wear military uniforms after discharge from the army. In the recent years the number of fraud cases involving people dressed as soldiers has grown dramatically. Panhandling, racketeering and other crimes committed by people dressed in military uniforms creates a negative image for the armed forces and the active servicemen and women. Draft Law No.9217 introduces a fine of up to UAH 6800 (approx. EUR 215) for the unlawful wearing of uniforms and medals; and 3 to 5 years in prison for vandalization of graves.

The Draft Law shall now have to undergo the second hearing, which is expected to take place in the beginning of February 2019.


On 17 December Legal Hundred co-hosted a public action in support of the 24 Ukrainian navy soldiers held as prisoners of war in Russia. Following the practice adopted in the USA during the Vietnam War, civil society has distributed rubber bracelets with the POWs’ names and offered the opportunity for people to write letters of support.  Representatives of Ukrainian government and Parliament joined forces with civil society and started an all-national petition to international organisations and partner governments of America and the EU requesting further enforcement of sanctions against the Russian Federation, as the aggressor state. We hope to see similar actions take place in countries across the world throughout January. If you would like to sign the petition or would like to receive information on how you can help please contact lesiavasylenko@gmail.com

Women Veterans in Ukraine

The Legal Hundred has partnered together with the Institute of Gender Programs to carry out research on women veterans in Ukraine. The study focused on identifying the needs of women who have taken part in active combat during the war on Russian aggression and analysing the programs and opportunities available to meet these needs. Maria Zviagintseva, the Legal Hundred expert involved in the study, looked at the Ukrainian legislation on veterans, to find that it is completely gender neutral. Although this is indeed a positive sign, several women specific needs in the integration process have been identified, regarding, inter alia, healthcare and psychosocial support. According to the representative of UN Women in Ukraine Anastasiya Divinskaya, the presented studies have practical use, as they will support the introduction of relevant legislative changes.

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